Saturday, November 8, 2008

Economic Crisis

Some people are going to kill me for saying this but that “massive hole” was originally started 10 years ago when Clinton was still president. The whole idea that Wall Street can handle itself was his idea, not Bush’s. Bush was just the sad idiot that got stuck with the problem and made even stupider mistakes. Not to mention the tragedy of 9/11 that happened immediately after he came into office. That and its repercussions added to economic crisis.
What I’m trying to say is the mistakes and successes of all politicians takes time for it to be seen or felt. Whatever change is implemented today won’t be seen or felt immediately. Change takes time, sometimes longer than people think. I firmly believe that the successes and failures of a President’s first 2-3 years (catastrophic tragedies aside) are not due to the fact that there was a change in who is in office but to whatever the past president did at the end of his term.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Hello to...guess just me, haha. I don't think I have any fans so I'm just writing to myself. Nothing new has been happening except that I'm done with that exam which I will not speak its name. Happily afterwards I walked though the mall and came across the Nintendo DS game I've been looking for and promptly bought it. Now I'm learning to speak Japanese. And to also read and write too. My handwriting is still horrible, haha.

Monday, October 27, 2008


OMG!!! Tomorrow is the big day. The biggest day so far. I'm taking my first board exam. It's going to be long, hard but I'm ready to get it over with. I'm going to stand up to this big scary test and knock it back!!!
I'm actually pretty nervous about it. I have been studying, but I'm still not sure if I studied enough or if I took too long to take it, or ...I don't know. I felt this way about the COMP way back in May and I did alright. I past it. I guess that's a good sign. I never feel ready for tests. Even when I study as much as I did for this one and all the others I have taken in the past two years, I still never feel ready. I'm just going to do the best I can, take my time and pray.
I took the day off today to relax. It feels weird. I wonder how its going to feel after the test is done. I've been studying non stop since January 2007 and when I'm not studying, I don't know what to do with myself. I can read, play video games, go shopping...but I think I'm going to go visit people. Definately visit my friend Jess in NJ. Sadly we missed the Halloween festivities but we will find something else fun and exciting to do. I might actually brave the roads of MASS and go visit my brother. Maybe I can spend the weekend up there and we can go to Boston for the day or something. I just need to check his schedule. Of course I will be wearing my full Red Sox gear when I go up there, hahaha.
I was a bit upset that they didn't make it to the World Series this year. But I think that it might have been a good thing since I did kind of bad with my school work because I was more focused on the game than on my studies. This year so far my biggest obsession has been Heroes. I can't get enough of the show!!! I need to get a hold of John. He works on the set and maybe he could get me a tour or something. Hahaha. Yeah, right. That's not gonna happen for a couple of reasons. Number one, I don't know what his job is so I'm not sure what connections he has and I might just go all "fangirl" on everyone if I did make it to the set. Also, I'm broke. No money and no loan check in sight. Still waiting for a call from CVS to see if I can get my job back as a pharmacy tech. That will be fun. I don't mind working. Being paid is good, hahahaha.

Right now I'm sitting at Barnes and Nobles typing this and waiting for my podcasts to finish downloading. The stupid router at my house has decided to quit on me and I have no wireless access. Really sucks and the internet here is slower than it is at home. I'm forced to use the house computer or find places where I have to pay to get on free internet. Hahahahahaha. Free internet...I should just have my computer sign up for that optimum hot spot thingy that I saw. We use optimum at home. Problem is...don't know any optimum hot spots in Westchester. Yay, sweet!!! Podcasts are finished. I'll wait until I get home to upload them to my ipod. I think I'll get a coffee before I leave the cafe. After all, I sat here for over an hour and did nothing but play on my computer, I should do something to show my appriciation for the store. I'm just glad no one has kicked me out. Hahaha, I know they probably would have by now if I was in the Miami store. But then, I did pay $4 to use the internet.
There is apparently some kind of children's thing going on in the back of the store. I can hear singing. Old McDonald and before that rain drop song: if all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a rain that would be! hahahaha. I haven't heard that song in years. Where did I...omg!!! Barney. That's where I heard it. ::shivers:: I'm so thankful that my cousins are not into that show. Is it even on anymore??? I bet no, because all of those kids have got to be in or finishing high school by now. I think my last viewing of Barney had to be...a few years ago while babysitting. OMG!!! I just remembered that I have to start appartment hunting and I have no idea where to look. I checked briefly on Craig's list a while ago but the rental prices I saw were all scary. I need to ask a few people. Maybe I'll post something on facebook, like Andy did.
I should go before my battery goes out. I need a new battery but that will have to wait until I a) get some money from work or b) get my next loan check. Sorry for not writing more often. Just been busy and I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads this. I really don't care if they do. I had big hopes of people from school reading it and me writing about what was going on at "the house of hell" (hahaha) aka Miami home but I was too busy then too. Now that I have about 6 weeks of nothing to do, you will get the pleasure to read how boring my life has become. Or maybe I will just write my theories for Heroes.
OK, gotta go now. I wrote extra long this time to make up for the months I haven't said anything. Should I get a latte or a frappacino????

Monday, August 25, 2008


I can't focus on anything today. I've spent much of my day running around to get my car all tuned up for the trip back home which is friday. Good thing though is that the mechanic is coming to my house tonight to work on it so I don't have to drop it off and find a ride. Hopefully it won't take long. I need to make some lemonade or some ice tea for him when he comes over. I should be studying for the STEP but I haven't gotten much done today in that area. I looked over some questions I did yesterday but with all of the stuff I have to do to get ready for leaving it's not leaving me much time to study. I'm sure once I'm home and I don't have to go anywhere I'll beable to get more done than I am now. I'm too distractable with cleaning up, going out to make sure I've done the things I wanted to do before I leave Miami.
It's been a fun 4 months but I'm sooooooo ready to get back to NY. Back to the land where everything makes sense, people know how to drive, where there are changes in the seasons, and I can live at home without having to pay rent and don't have to worry about food shopping. Back to the land where pizza was invented!!! And good italian food!!! And family!!!! I miss my family. Maybe even having a job!!! I'll so babysit for my aunt if she needs me too.

I've recently rediscovered my love for starwars and have been obsessed with playing KOTOR2 on my computer and I bought the new book "The Force Unleashed" which is based on the video game of the same name. I know, I'm reading a book based on a video game. You can't get much nerdier than that!!! LOL!! The game itself comes out in September and I'm planning on getting it!!! I just hope they keep their promise to release it for PS2 because I'm not about to buy a Xbox360 or a PS3 just to get that game (even though eventually I might get one...we'll just have to wait and see). Also Heroes Season 2 comes out on DVD this Tuesday!!! I amd sooooooo tempted to buy it the second it comes out, even wait outside Best Buy tomorrow morning for it but...I'm not sure if I'm going to get it as a belated birthday present or not yet so...I'm just going to wait until I go home. Even though I want it NOW and the spoilers are going to come out by 11am tomorrow which I will have to stay away from but I can't resist sometimes...ugh!!! Season 3 starts in only 28 days!!! I've been counting down since like day 200!!! It's finally almost here after all this time!!!! All the waiting and wondering and trying to find spoilers and staying away from some, is coming to a close.

Ok, I'm starting to get restless and anxious about not studying so I should do something. Even if it is just reading something or doing 25 questions (which takes me like only 15 mins to do) but I need to do some sort of studying today otherwise I'm going to really kick myself tomorrow. It's just hard when there are other things going on like packing and tuning up cars, and washing cars and going to the gym and trying to have fun...all that stuff. Like I said before, home should be better. I can't wait to get out of here!!! It's not so bad, and no where near the level of horridness as the rock but, its not NY. I like being able to walk down the street to get something instead of having to drive everywhere. Plus its cooler there around this time of the year anyway. YAY!!! No more summer weather after this summer is over, until next year!!! Wow, I'm actually going to enjoy the fall and winter like I use to!!! Mayb go apple picking or something...probably not but having fresh warmed apple cider is going to be nice.

Ok, should lock my door and get to it before Monica tries to talk to me for another hour. I'll write again when I'm home probably.

Peace Out!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The end is near

OMG! This is the last week of "classes"!!! I'm so happy but I got to write a SOAP Note and do a Power Point Presentation on Cystic Kidney Diseases and go to my 10 hour ER rotation. Well, the ER rotation is not bad but the rest of that stuff is. I have been on a good role in working on my power point in the last couple of hours. But now I'm hungry and need a break. Dinner time then I'll be back to write more.

Ok, back from dinner. Sarah made steak and rice, I made some peas and together we had a wonderful meal. I'm stuffed.

Next week is the last week of the semester. We have our Physical Exam Practical, a Statistics Test and our Final Exam next week. Then after that I won't have to dress up for class!!! Yay!!! I can wear my normal clothes for the last three weeks that I'm here in Miami. A lot of stuff happened here but sadly I did not have time to write about all of it. I've neglected finishing my trip down here too. I might update that later when the semester is over. School just seems to put life on hold. Everything gets pushed aside when there is a test, paper or such. Life will begin again after the semester is over...for the most part. I still have the review course to do but that doesn't really count since there are no assignments, just going to class. When its finally over I'll get to do the things I always wanted to do while I'm down here. For instance, I still have to get to Tampa to see family and West Palm Beach to see some family and I still really want to go to Disney. I mean I don't know who I will go with but I need to find people soon (preferably those who are not taking the COMP again because they are not going to be anal about studying for it after UMBR is over).

Ok time to wrap this up. I think I will just chill for a little while before returning to work. I seem to get a second wind for working around 10ish now for some reason but it only lasts an hour (more or less) because I'm ready to hit the sack around 11:30. I miss those days of undergrad where I would not go to sleep until 2 am. Saved me from having strange nightmares about school projects and tests and stuff. Time to relax while my stomach digests my food. No need to push myself working while I'm too stuffed to move, right?

Peace Out!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Late night procrastination

I just don't want to work on my paper right now. Long day of school + writing a paper that's taking forever + stress = incredible silliness!!!!
I found "Monday Disease" in my pharm book and just started cracking up!!! Actually everything is making me laugh right now because I'm so frelling tired!!!!! My stomach did not like the fact that I skipped my PPI (antacid med) yesterday and came back with a vengence that almost made me buy stock in PeptoBismol. Also I had few weird dreams most like brought on by the stress of this paper and me going on a Heroes fix lately. Yes Peter Petrelli finally appeared in my dreams!!!! But I was a med student trying to do a H&P (History and Physical Exam) on him after he had a....horrible incident. We shall not go into details, mostly because I don't remember but I hate school!!!!!! (ok grammar and sentence structure is not making sense but deal with it. No coffee because stomach hates me and lack of sleep = apathy about grammar)
Every time I have something school related that I'm trying to figure out how or what I'm doing, I dream about it. So guess what??? I was trying to write a paper!!!! IN MY DREAM!!!!! About a fictional character in a completely made up situation that has nothing to do with my real paper. I was even asking if I should put things in the HPI or the ROS. Ok, this is just a bunch of jibberish but I needed to let it out somehow.
Ok, I'm going to bed. Paper can complete itself during the night while I'm sleeping. It's not due until friday night at 7 so I still have time to correct any errors my dream me puts in.
Good Night and Good Luck!